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Ozbreed has a New Website

New Year. New Ozbreed Website. www.ozbreed.com.au

Ozbreed’s new website is ready in perfect timing for the New Year. To help ease you back into work we have made the website more user friendly and added a search bar, so you can find what you are looking for without the hassle or time wasted. Keep reading for more useful features of the new Ozbreed website.

The New Ozbreed Website Features:

Search function
Simplified navigation
New video channel
Browse a list of plants by name (by trade or botanical name, or native plants)
All Ozbreed plant ranges and turf on one website
Specialised information for the landscape professional
Top wholesale growers listed for each plant
Links to our Facebook and Youtube pages
All the great information, research, news and articles from our original website


The makeover of the Ozbreed website has been based on simplicity, usability and getting the information you need on your screen as effortlessly as possible. If there is something particular you are after, simply use the search function. Otherwise enjoy the simple menu to browse through the vast amount of information Ozbreed offers. This website gives you access to all of our research, articles, videos, photos and more.

Each Ozbreed plant range and turf variety is now hosted on the one Ozbreed website, so you can find it all in one space (there are lots of new plants and ranges you may have missed if you only looked at the original website!). If you want to see all the plants we offer, see the Browse by Name page for a list of plants sorted either by trade name, botanical name or native plants only. If you are ever unsure of what turf is best for the job, look at our easy guide on Choosing the Right Turf on the Compare All Varieties page.

Each plant on the website has high resolution images available to download, free to use in design documents. For those wanting to find large numbers of plants, the top wholesale growers for each plant are listed down the bottom of the page. Also all licensed Ozbreed suppliers are listed on the Where to Buy page, which now includes a link to EvergreenConnect (a plant sourcing website to save you time). Many of our plants are available online, so if your clients want to purchase the plants themselves, direct them to our website to have the plants delivered to their door.

The information tab will keep you updated on what’s new, from connecting to our Facebook page or links to our Landscape newsletter for each state. Landscape photos to inspire, various articles and links to other websites are also available under media.

Specialised information for the Landscape Professional is a must visit page. It is tailored to give you the most relevant information (including plant sizes available). Ozbreed 3D graphics for plants are available to download for free and are formatted for popular design programs. Also Tour Brochures for each state are available to see how Ozbreed plants have performed in landscapes around Australia.

Ozbreed’s research page is filled with valuable information from the planning stage to maintenance. It includes Green Roof Trials, Raingarden Plants, Fire Retardant Plants and much more. We are constantly testing our plants and turf in various situations to best instruct on how they perform.

Videos have now been made in abundance for Ozbreed plants and turf, featuring Todd Layt, the knowledgeable Director of Ozbreed. Have a look at our video channel for videos on individual plants and turf as well as general turf information. Most plants also have a video included on their page of the website.

The New look Ozbreed Website.